Enroll a New Student
Is this your FIRST student in Pickens County School District? Or did you just move into our district? Get started here:
Step 1: Gather Documents
You will be asked to upload the documents listed below electronically (scanned copy, picture via phone, etc.). If you do not have the immunizations or health form we ask that you go ahead and complete the registration process.
Parent/Guardian ID
(2) Current Proofs of Residence (dated within the last 30 days)
Custody Documents (if applicable)
The items below are related to your child:
Birth certificate
Social security card and/or waiver form
Georgia immunizations (Form 3231) and/or waiver form
Georgia Health Form (Form 3300)
Step 2: Complete the Infinite Campus Online Registration Below
Pickens County School District utilizes Online Registration powered by Infinite Campus for all enrollment needs.
Helpful Hints Before You Begin:
Have the following information available for all students in your household:
Student's FULL Legal Name (First, Middle, Last - as it appears on the birth certificate)
Student's Date of Birth
Student's FULL Social Security Number (optional)
Write down your application number for reference
Parents should have a valid email address
Be sure to check your spam for the confirmation email
Please note that you can upload required documentation while completing the online application. If you are unable to upload the required documentation, please contact Central Registration for next steps at at (706) 253-1770 or registration@pickenscountyschools.org.